Entrant Qualifications
Entrant and/or Co-Entrant must be a design professional that completed a qualifying project within the established design period (January 1, 2021-April 1, 2025). Open to NKBA Members, IDS Members and non-members.
Certification not required to enter
Co-Entrants receive an award as well
Project Criteria
Qualifying projects completed between Jan 1, 2021 & April 1, 2025
Past Peak Entries that were not awarded may be re-entered but must adhere to 2025 submittal requirements.
Projects that have been awarded, outside of Peak and/or the NKBA National Design Competition, are eligible for submittal.
Cash Prizes will be awarded at the Peak Awards Gala on Thursday, June 26, 2025
First Place: $150 Second Place $100 Third place $50 Best Before & After: $150
Plus more for Colorado Homes & Lifestyles Most Dramatic Makeover & Peoples Choice
Showcase your design expertise and enjoy recognition from industry peers
Leverage marketing opportunities to showcase design awards
Chance to be featured in a design publication.
Awarded projects will be featured on NKBA Rocky Mountain and IDS Denver social media channels.
Category winners earn a beautiful trophy to display in their place of business.
Early Bird Payment deadline: Friday March 7, 2025
Project entry and fee deadline: Sunday, May 4, 2025 (Late entries will NOT be accepted and no extensions will be given).
Design Board submission deadline: Friday, June 13, 2025.
Entry Fees
Before March 15, 2025:
New Early Bird Pricing: November 3, 2024-March 15, 2025. NKBA Members and IDS Members $135 for 1st entry and $125 for each additional entry.
Non-Members $ 235 for 1st entry and $225 for each additional entry.
After March 15, 2025:
Each NKBA and IDS member entrant will pay an entry fee of $185 (Includes (1) free Gala Ticket only) for 1st project , and $135 for each additional project.
Non-member entrants will pay an entry fee of $285 (Includes (1) free Gala Ticket only) for 1st project, and $235 for each additional project.
Co-Entrant (Member and Non-member) will pay an entry fee of $150 for each project. (Includes (1) free Gala Ticket only) Co-entrants will receive their own trophy.
Entry fees are non-refundable
Entry fees are payable on-line ONLY
Returning for 2025!
Enter a remodel project in a Kitchen or Bath category & receive $100 off if the same project is entered in Best Before & After Kitchen or Best Before & After Bath (Valid on entry fee for Best Before & After Kitchen or Bath ONLY)
Enter a project in an IDS category & receive $100 off if the same project is entered in Design Detail category.
Email Communications@nkbarockymountain.org prior to payment to receive discount code.
New for 2025!
New Specialty Room Categories! Simplified bath categories to align better with the National NKBA Competition. Mechanical Plans are NOT required.
Introducing NEW Interior Design Society categories! Floor plans are NOT required to meet NKBA guidelines.
Design Categories
00A Small Kitchen: 200 SF or Less
00B Medium Kitchen: 201-350 SF
00C Large Kitchen: 351 SF or More
00D Powder Room (Must contain Sink & Toilet ONLY)
00E Secondary Bathroom
00F Primary Bathroom (Primary Bathrooms must be directly connect to and entered through the Primary Bedroom)
00G Specialty Room Entertainment: Bar, Wine Cellar, Outdoor Kitchen
00H Specialty Room Utility: Laundry, Mudroom, Office, Pantry, etc.
00I Best Before & After Kitchen
00J Best Before & After Bath
00K IDS: Living Room
00L IDS: Bedroom
00M IDS: Dining Room
00N IDS: Design Detail
To Enter
All projects must be submitted in digital format to the CPJ Association management website.
Entry form must be complete and fees must be paid at time of entry.
Uploaded files are to be named Project Name_Document Type (i.e.: Mountain Vista_Before Plan)
The following documents are to be uploaded with no identifying information appearing anywhere on plans, Design Statement or Vendor List:
Before Plan (PDF Only) (For NKBA categories only)
After Plan (UPDATED) 1/4" , 1/2" or 1:20 Metric Scale (PDF)
Elevations 1/4", 1/2" or 1:20 Metric Scale (NOT required for IDS categories)
Note: After plan and Elevations may be combined into one PDF document. Additional renderings or perspectives are permitted but not required.
Note: All plans are to be detailed & dimensioned to 1/4", 1/2" or scale:20 Metric Scale
Note: Entrants must adhere to NKBA Graphics Presentation Guidelines. Please see https://nkba.org for more information or review the NKBA Graphics & presentation Standards list in the documents section. (NOT required for IDS categories)
List of Vendors/Products (PDF): This is a list of (Min. 5) products and manufacturers used in your project.
Design Statement: Clearly, but briefly, outline design problems and client requirements, then concisely describe what was done to solve those problems and fulfill client needs.
See Entry Documents for additional information on requirements for Design Statement & NKBA Graphic Standards.
Design Board
Create one design board per project (while not required this is highly encouraged and how the People's Choice Awards are voted on).
One board per project to be judged at the Gala may be submitted.
Board Size: 22"w x 24"h with 1/2" boarder around the perimeter
Board must be mounted on Foam core in portrait orientation.
Mandatory: leave a 4" x 4" blank space in the upper left corner of the board.
Plans & photos only may be on the board (3-5 photos that are 8x10, 5x7 or 4x6)
Attach a label to the back of the board with the Project Name and Category Only (failure to do this will result in ineligibility for the Design Board Competition)
No names may appear on the front of the design board.
Board Drop off Locations:
Specialty Appliance: Drop Off Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm
8775 E. Orchard Rd. Unit 805, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Judging - NKBA Projects and IDS Projects
Judging will take place mid-May
All judges are selected by the Peak Competition Committee and are experts in their field.
All judges reside and work outside the state of Colorado.
Judges reserve the right to determine if the category has a winning entry. There is no guarantee that each category will have a winning entry.
Entries in the competition will be judged in the following categories: 100 total points possible.
Automatic Disqualification for ANY identifying information on drawings, design statement or photos.
2pts will be deducted for missing centerlines or walkway dimensions
IDS Judging Criteria
Entries in the competition will be judged in the following categories: 100 total points possible.
Planning: 10 points each
- Design Statement: 300-400 words. Should include the needs of the client, design/
project issues and how they were solved. Bullet points highly recommend. Recommended at
least 5 bullet points with solutions.
- Design Solution: Were the client needs met and did the designer create the best
Creativity and Visual Appeal: 10 points each
- Creativity: This is the "WOW" factor and visual appeal.
- Innovative or creative use of materials: Were there any special materials used or
materials used in a creative way to set it apart from other projects?
- Color, Texture and Balance: Does the space creatively employ the use of color and/or
texture? Does the overall aesthetic feel balanced?
- Execution of space: Was the space used in the best possible way?
- Product and material usage: Were appropriate products and materials used within the
space in regards to safety, wear/longevity and durability?
- Elements & Principles of design: Does the space illustrate a good use of the elements
& principles of design?
Presentation: 10 points each
- Presentation Standards: Was the floor plan or drawing provided to scale? Does it
show proper use of space planning and/or scale?
- Before & After Photos: Do the photos submitted tell a story about the project? Do the
photos show any details to highlight special areas of interest? Are the After photos of good
Note: Professional photos are highly recommended but not required. If this is a new
construction project, a PDF stating "New Construction" must be uploaded in the Before Photos
2025 Design Boards
Design Board is required for eligibility for the People's Choice Award.
Create a design board to showcase your project the best! No physical samples or materials may be on the board.
Important! On the back of the design board, attach an envelope with the project name, entrant name & entry category inside. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the People's Choice Award.